Behind the Red Dot: The Technological Marvel of Grace 7 Pro's Industrial Design Revolution

Der Industrieroboter GRACE 7 PRO imponiert mit höchster Präzision sowie einem außergewöhnlichen, ikonischen Erscheinungsbild.

Der Industrieroboter GRACE 7 PRO imponiert mit höchster Präzision sowie einem außergewöhnlichen, ikonischen Erscheinungsbild.

——Begründung der Jury


In the rigid arrays of traditional industry, the Grace 7 Pro shines like a warm beam of light with its innovative design and technology, standing elegantly on the podium of the Red Dot Design Awards. What magic does this robot possess to make stern industrial design feel less "mechanical"?

Design Revolution: More Than Just Aesthetics

The Grace 7 Pro's design could be likened to the "Audrey Hepburn" of the industrial world. Its sleek and elegant lines almost make one forget it's a robot. The flowing curves of the body integrate with an indicator light design shaped like the Lissajous triangle, presenting a beautiful, continuous, and dynamic appearance. This gives the robot a modern and technological feel, maintaining an elegant shape and smooth lighting effects in various poses, creating a comfortable and elegant user experience.

Its minimalist design philosophy and integrated structure minimize gaps and screws, reducing visual distraction and focusing on human-machine interaction and ongoing tasks. The smooth design also facilitates easier cleaning and maintenance.



Core Technology: More Precise, Smarter, Safer

Delving into Grace 7 Pro's "brain" reveals a "smart heart" full of cutting-edge technology.

With its 7-axis force control technology, thanks to Tianji's proprietary high-precision joint force sensors, it features :high precision, high rigidity, and high stability.

.The refined design reduces cross-talk and greatly enhances data accuracy, improving overall precision to within 0.2% FS.

.The special stainless steel base and structural design double the torsional rigidity compared to industry standards (greater than 150KNm/rad), enabling heavy load force control and faster robot speeds without sacrificing precision.

.The use of semiconductor sensitive materials and microfusion technology eliminates aging, creep, and hysteresis effects from traditional resin bonding processes, providing excellent full-scale and zero-point stability.

Control Architecture:Advanced Technological Integration

GRACE 7 PRO innovatively incorporates differential point trajectory planning, integrated constraint parameters, continuous process parameter planning, and AI channels, among other advanced technologies. As the AI era advances, preset point motion control no longer meets the expanding needs and applications of robots. Robots must respond highly dynamically to their environment and tasks. Grace 7 Pro's motion response to dynamic environments is as low as 5ms. Its proprietary Fusion control system offers millisecond-level response capabilities for follow-up control interfaces. High responsiveness is essential for future AI integration, making Grace 7 Pro a high-end robot fully compatible with future AI applications.

Safety:A Gentleman in Human-Robot Collaboration
In human-robot collaboration, Grace 7 Pro demonstrates "gentleman-like" manners. It knows how to ensure the safety and comfort of human colleagues while efficiently completing tasks, completely overturning the traditional image of robots as "clumsy and dangerous." Thanks to its high-sensitivity collision detection, it can stop instantly in the event of an accident, significantly reducing the possibility of injury and greatly enhancing safety in human-robot collaboration, extending robotic applications beyond industrial settings to medical, catering, agriculture, and scientific research sectors.

Looking Forward: Cross-Disciplinary Integration

Looking to the future, Grace 7 Pro is not just a star in manufacturing; it is set to cross into medical, artistic, and even domestic realms, becoming a "versatile assistant" in human life. As technology further integrates, there is every reason to believe that Grace 7 Pro and its successors will continue to lead the revolution in industrial design, making the world smarter and more humane.

In this new era, industrial design is no longer cold machinery but a warm and intelligent art. Let us look forward to how this revolution, driven by black technology and innovation, will continue to bring more surprises to our world.